Rabu, 23 April 2014

Food, fruits, and vegetables for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs love to eat. But, there is some fruits and vegetables that they can't eat. I am just going to tell you what fruits and veggies that they CAN eat.
  1. Carrots. Guinea pigs love carrots. They can eat it everyday and it dosent make them ill or anything. Its a good source of vitamin C. But, if you give them too much its too hard for them to digest.
  2. Tomatoes. Guinea pigs can eat tomatoes but, only once a week. Because, tomato has a high acid content and can make them have digestion problems.
  3. Lettuce. They can eat lettuce. But, same like tomatoes, they can't eat it everyday.
  4. Watermelons. My guinea pigs LOVE watermelons. But, unfortunately I can only give them once a week. Because they have a lot of sugar and water in it that can cause diarrhea.
  5. Pellets. Pellets are a must for guinea pigs. Give them a timothy based pellet for  guinea pigs over 6 months. And give them alfalfa based pellets for guinea pigs under 6 months.
  6. Hay. You will always need hay for guinea pigs daily. Hay has a lot of vitamins in it and it also helps guinea pig's teeth to stop growing. Give timothy hay for over 6 months. Give them alfalfa hay for under 6 months.
There is still SO MUCH more food that you can give your guinea pigs. Don't forget to look online and research before you give your guinea pigs some fruits and veggies. I hope this blogpost helped you and your guinea pig. Thanks for reading my blog :)

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