Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

We are making a Youtube channel!

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I have been SO busy and I don't have time to write a blogpost. So, I am making a youtube channel with my friend. We are going to make and post a video every week. We haven't posted a video yet but, the name of the channel is going to be also guineapiggerie. And also we are going to make a video about guinea pigs. I am going to write another blogpost and tell you when the video is going to be up online. This is just a short blogpost that i made because i haven't made a blogpost for a long time.

Thanks for reading my blog :)

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Guinea pig breeds

There are lots of guinea pig breeds. I am going to write about  almost of the breeds there are. From the long haired to the short haired. Short haired to hairless. Okay I will start:

  1. Peruvian. Peruvian guinea pig's hair grows forwards or called a "forelock" . It has a smooth coat.
  2. Abyssinians. They are a rough coated breed. Which has rosettes all over their body.  I have to give credit for this picture to Zoe Sugg www.zoella.co.uk
  3. American. Also known as short haired or english. Their coat does not have rosettes on there.
  4. Skinny. A hairless breed.
  5. Silkie/sheltie. Is almost like a peruvian but their hair grows backwards. Also has a smooth coat.
  6. Texel. It resembles a silkie with the hair growing backwards. But, a texel has a curly coat.
  7. Baldwin. Baldwins are almost like skinny but, they are born with hair. And then their hair slowly falls off.
  8. Ridgeback. It is a rare guinea pig breed. They are a smooth coat but with a lengthwise ridge on its back. 

    I hope this blogpost helped you and your guinea pigs. Thanks for reading my blog :)

All about cages

Guinea pigs are small animals but, they need a lot of space in their cage. Some people put guinea pigs in aquarium tanks. Guinea pigs can't live in aquarium tanks because there is not much air that is coming through the glass of the aquarium. And some people also put their guinea pig on cages that has a wire floor. DONT EVER DO THAT it will make your guinea pigs have an injury such as bumble foot. Coroplast is not so bad for guinea pig cages. Also grids and simple cages that is sold on pet stores. But, don't forget to pick a good sized cage. 30" x 36" inches for one guinea pig. And  for up to four guinea pigs you will need 30"x 76" inches. Now, I will show some pictures of bad cages for guinea pigs.

This cage is way too small for a guinea pig. You will need four times the cage for one guinea pig.

This cage, it said on the website that it was for her hamsters. Thats fine. But, you can't put your guinea pigs in this kind of cage.

I hope this blogpost helped you and your guinea pig. Thanks for reading my blog :)

Grooming supplies

Either your guinea pig has long or short hair you will always need grooming supplies for them. These are all the things you will need for grooming your pet guinea pig:

  1. Brush. A  long haired guinea pig needs to be brushed at least once a week. A short haired guinea pig needs to be brushed maybe once every three weeks. A hairless guinea pig such as the skinny breed does not need to be brushed. Brushes for cats or dogs should work. 
  2. Nail clippers. Every guinea pig needs their nails clipped at least every month. You don't want their nail to the point when they are curling.
  3. Shampoo. Guinea pigs need to use shampoo that is made specially for guinea pigs. Baby shampoo is not recommended because it will make your guinea pig's skin dry.

I hope this blogpost helped you and your guinea pig. Thanks for reading my blog :)

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Food, fruits, and vegetables for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs love to eat. But, there is some fruits and vegetables that they can't eat. I am just going to tell you what fruits and veggies that they CAN eat.
  1. Carrots. Guinea pigs love carrots. They can eat it everyday and it dosent make them ill or anything. Its a good source of vitamin C. But, if you give them too much its too hard for them to digest.
  2. Tomatoes. Guinea pigs can eat tomatoes but, only once a week. Because, tomato has a high acid content and can make them have digestion problems.
  3. Lettuce. They can eat lettuce. But, same like tomatoes, they can't eat it everyday.
  4. Watermelons. My guinea pigs LOVE watermelons. But, unfortunately I can only give them once a week. Because they have a lot of sugar and water in it that can cause diarrhea.
  5. Pellets. Pellets are a must for guinea pigs. Give them a timothy based pellet for  guinea pigs over 6 months. And give them alfalfa based pellets for guinea pigs under 6 months.
  6. Hay. You will always need hay for guinea pigs daily. Hay has a lot of vitamins in it and it also helps guinea pig's teeth to stop growing. Give timothy hay for over 6 months. Give them alfalfa hay for under 6 months.
There is still SO MUCH more food that you can give your guinea pigs. Don't forget to look online and research before you give your guinea pigs some fruits and veggies. I hope this blogpost helped you and your guinea pig. Thanks for reading my blog :)

My guinea pigs

I have four guinea pigs. They are peruvians. There are two girls and two boys. Their names are:
  1. Karlie 9 months old
  2. Lola 9 months old
  3.  Percy 2 months old
  4. Styles 2 months old
They are a bit overweight. Karlie is the heaviest of all of my guinea pigs. She weighs 650g and is only 9 months old. Lola is the second heaviest. She weighs 600g. Percy is 400g. And Styles  is 450g. But, when it comes to the point when they are going to be pet, Karlie is the hardest. Lola is the best. Styles is the second best. And Percy is the second hardest. But, the when I pick them out of the cage, they are SO calm. But, overall they are so sweet to all humans. Thanks for reading my blog :)

Basic supplies for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are not hard to take care of, but they need a lot of things that they need. 
  1. First of all you will need a good sized cage. For one guinea pig you will probably need a 30" x 36". And up to four guinea pigs you will need a 30" x 76".
  2. Then, you will need a food bowl for guinea pig pellets. Do not use guinea pig pellets that has seeds in it because they might choke on it.
  3. Also, you will need a water bottle. Guinea pigs always need fresh water every day. So, you will need to change the water everyday.
  4. When you have a water bottle, you will always need a water bottle cleaner. So the bottle don't get too dirty.
  5. Some bedding. You can use Carefresh or Aspen shavings. If you prefer, you can use fleece instead. NEVER use sawdust, pine, or cedar. It can injure them!
  6. Chew toys. Guinea pig's teeth never stop growing like every other rodent. Chew toys can help them so they don't overgrow their theeth.
  7. Hiding places. Such as houses, pouches, and hammocks. Guinea pigs are prey animals so they need hiding places.
  8. Last but not least is cleaning supplies. Broom and dustpan and cage wipes. Sometimes you will need to spot clean your guinea pig cage daily.
I hope this blogpost helped you and your guinea pigs. Thanks for reading my blog :)